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We will keep you informed by mail. We will do our best to process your order ASAP.

If you want to know the delivery date, you can contact us by e-mail.


You can follow your order by using the track & trace that was sent to you by GLS. When you did not receive this mail, you can contact us.

When you have chosen for home delivery, we will try to deliver your order ASAP.

We depend on our stock (the estimate of your school) and when there is a stock-breach we depent on the speed of delivery of the publisher.

When your order has been sent, you will be kept informed by mail.

If you chose home delivery, you will receive a link to the track & trace by email.

The shipping costs depend on the value of your package. The delivery cost will be shown when choosing the delivery method.

When, after 7 working days, you have not yet received an email concerning delivery of your order, you will probably find the mail in your spambox.

To avoid that you can add our email addresses and to your list with secure addresses.

You did not receive anything? Please contact us by mail. Do not forget to mention your order reference. We will be happy to check whether everything is ok.